Monday, November 23, 2015

Hospital help

I barely remember getting a call from Tina the trainer, telling me that Jace was struggling to breathe and I needed to get in the trainers room. I was sitting next to you in the stands and you said I threw my blanket off my lap on to yours and booked it down to the trainers room. It was scary seeing Jace struggling to breathe normally, with a doctor and a trainer telling me they were going to call an ambulance if I couldn't get him to the hospital quickly. I got out my phone and I already had a text from you asking if everything was ok. I text back and told you we need to get to the hospital, fast. Jace didn't want to leave, I was explaining to him that we didn't have a choice and next thing I know you're standing right next to me. You saw his condition and immediately went to go get your truck to pull up to the curb. You didn't question leaving the game. You took us to the hospital, and when Sam was getting angry you went out into the hall with Ashley and Ella. I can't even remember how everything went once we were there. Just that you drove Ashley and Ella home, after picking Ava up at a friends. You came back, in the middle of the night, to sit with me and Jace. You helped me by asking the doctors questions so we knew exactly what was going on. And when it came time for Jace to go up to OHSU, you took his stinky clothes home and washed them before even going to bed. The next morning I called and asked you to pick us up. There was no hesitation. I was worried you wouldn't know where to go because even I wasn't fully sure where we were. But what do you know, as we are getting ready to leave you showed up at the room Jace was staying in (with . You are my hero. You did everything I could have needed, wanted, and then more I didn't even know I needed and wanted. Just like everything else in our lives, you stood right next to me. 
I have all the faith and trust in the world in you. Time and time again you have proven that you won't let me down, and that you'll go above and beyond to help me and to be there for me.
Thank you for helping me and Jace that weekend. Thank you for being so selfless with your time, even in the middle of the night. Thank you for washing his clothes and stopping by Target to pick up his meds. Thank you for being my shoulder to lean on during a scary time.

Keeping up with the theme of this visits...remember when you took me to the hospital when I was having kidney pain? I was so embarrassed for you to come over and see me. I was literally moaning in pain. You took me in and, again, asked all the right questions and helped me with whatever I needed. You were compassionate and caring. I felt so dumb, but you validated my pain and wanted to make sure I was getting what I needed to feel better. Thank you for taking me in, and for staying by my side. Thank you for believing me when I told you how much pain I was in, and for making sure I was taken care of.

How about when you took me in for a colonoscopy? Nobody ever wants to go get one of those, but I knew you would be there to pick me up. As I was getting set up with an IV and the nurse was talking to me about the pain meds I would receive, she asked me who was picking me up and if you were my boyfriend. At first I was a little annoyed, wasn't sure why that was her business. Then she explained that the meds would make me feel euphoric, and that among other things, I shouldn't purpose to you. HA! You were waiting in the lobby for me when I got done, and when we got to your truck I saw you had picked up pizza. You said you knew that I wouldn't want to cook when I got home. How thoughtful is that? I hadn't even thought that far ahead. Thank you for taking me, for picking me up, for being sympathetic when I couldn't eat for 2 days, and for getting my family pizza. Thank you for the thoughtfulness that went in to that. I love you.

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