You are a helper. A fixer. Well, you're with the perfect person, because I need a lot of helping and a lot of fixing! No matter the situation, you've stepped up and have been ready, willing and able to help without question.
My shelves: I've wanted those shelves for what seems like forever! I looked at them on pinterest, I took screenshots of them, I even went and picked up some pallets with good intentions. But you're a doer, and within days of finding out I wanted them, you were at my house with a chainsaw and motivation to get them done. I love them! Just like I knew I would. Thank you for cutting those for me. Thank you for doing it even if you thought they would look dumb, or even if you still do! Thank you for doing it simply because you knew I wanted it done.
My shower: Either scalding hot, or beyond freezing. That's what I got from water in my shower. Ava started flat refusing to shower! You youtubed and googled and got to work. Ok, ya, something went wrong and there was a giant water leak within my walls, hahahaha! You can't be perfect all the time! You went home and hung your head and came back early the next morning with a plumber. Thank you.
My tables: I wanted tables. You knew I did and you knew you could build them. You said you were ready and willing when I was. More googling and pinteresting and picking out wood. You built them in a weekend, with me as your "helper." More like me standing around handing you wood, sometimes telling you the right measurements and sometimes not. You happily built them with no expectations for anything in return.

My microwave: Who even needs a microwave with 5 people living in one house? Turns out I did. When mine broke it was such an inconvenience. But the only idea I could come up with as a solution was to buy one I could put on the counter, using up what very little counter space I have. You had a better idea.You immediately started looking on craigslist and found one that could replace what I had above my stove from someone who was getting rid of theirs due to a remodel. It was in bull mountain, you offered to go get it because I was driving carpool. You picked it up right in the middle of traffic time. You got right to installing it. There was a tiny piece of sticky foam you were missing, so you set everything aside and ran to home depot. I can't believe you wouldn't just install it without that one tiny piece! But you wanted to do it right. You're one of the most UNlazy people I know! It didn't take long, and I had a great microwave. You even took the old one away and got rid of it for me. It was such a stress reliever to have a microwave again, and to not have had to pay a fortune for a replacement.

My mantle: One night I was complaining about not having a place to put my DVR and DVD player. You asked me what I wanted to do about it, so I started talking about temporary solutions. You asked what I reallly wanted to do about it so I started showing you some pinterest projects/shelves I had been coveting. You jumped right up to go to home depot to get the supplies, but they were already closed. First thing the next morning you and I were at Home Depot picking out wood. We went right to your house to make cuts and get started. You built me the most beautiful mantle! It's so perfect for that space and it changed my entire living room. It is so well made and I absolutely love it. I am proud of you for having the skills you do, and the motivation and determination you show. I'm so proud of how beautiful that mantle is, thank you Vaughn!
My closet doors: You fixed them, and you'll fix them again! Why do Tanuvasa's break closet doors? Who knows, but you're willing to fix them for me. Thank you!
My bed: I bought a bed from Marnie. I couldn't have gotten it in my car, definitely wouldn't have gotten it to my house in the 5 minutes it took you to get it. I went along for the ride, but lets face it, you're the one who really got it. You came right back to my house and put it together. I'm so used to doing that stuff alone. I'm used to messing up a million times and spending hours on what should take minutes. You got it done so fast and had such a good attitude about it, as usual. It was so fun to have an actual headboard, I had not had one since I was a child! Thank you for getting that over to my house for me!
Ella's mirror: Yet one more thing that would have taken me forever. You got your drill and came over ready to get it done. My kids aren't used to seeing things get done, get done well, and get done fast. Thank you for doing that, and being a great example in that way.
Letting my kids in my house: I'm not sure how many times you've done it, but at least twice you've gone by my house to let Ashley in with your key. You're always happy to do so, too. You don't act like it's a bother or inconvenience.
My front door: You've weather stripped it and you've also put the door handle back on...twice. One time I didn't even realize you had, I was busy cooking dinner when you fixed it and then a few days later it dawned on me that it was fixed and I wasn't sure how or when that happened! Thank you for fixing that for me. It's one less thing I have to worry about.
My crate bookshelf: One more project I showed you on Pinterest. I had wanted it forever. You took one look at it and said "Oh that will be easy!" I bought and painted each individual crate, you screwed them all together, screwed on some support pieces and added wheels. I love it! It's one of my favorite things in my house. thank you for doing that for me. I love the crates/shelf because it's so cute but mostly because it was something you helped me with. I imagine us making all sorts of things in the future.
My vacuum: Wow, what a mess.I had two vacuums break. Then, I bought a new one that didn't work at all. You knew that I didn't want to spend more money buying a new one. You knew I would never let you buy me a new one. So you stalked craigslist for over a month looking for a good one. You picked it up clear out in Vancouver, and then you sat down and while watching a movie you cleaned every last crevice. It looks brand new and you got it for a killer deal. I'm so proud of you for doing that, and so thankful for the thought that went into it, and for you cleaning it for me. I appreciate it more than you know! My house is definitely much cleaner now! Thank you, thank you.
Patching the holes in my walls: I had 6-8 holes in my walls. I lived in fear that my landlord would stop by and see them, and it was just plain embarrassing when friends came over. I even heard Ava lying about how they got there to her friends. You spent the entire day over at my house patching all of them. You did a great job. I bought you a cool tool for doing that for me, one that you could use to build me things with:) After you patched all of the holes I started painting and you showed up to help me finish up. In fact, that's the day I acquired your sweats, the sweats I wear literally every single day. You wore them over to paint and I thought they were way too nice to be painting in. So I stole them and now they have paint and holes and stains all over them! But they're comfy and they were yours..thank you for letting me steal them!